Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
Well, I know a lot of you out there are like: "It's about
time!" Hey life happens, but now I am here and so let's get this show on
the road!
As some of may or may not know, Hello Kitty Con took place
October 30th thru November 2nd. Well me being up here in Canada, I didn't even
entertain the idea of going. But the hubster and our mutual friend bought me
tickets and a flight to Los Angeles. I had to fly out the next day pronto.
So needless to say when I arrived and rested a bit I was at
the convention doors. OMG! Okay before
you get all depressed and say: "Damn I wish I went." Let me just tell
you. It was real neat yes, BUUUUUT….. It was like a bunch of Hello Kitty Stores
put together (which isn't a bad thing) But if you have a Hello Kitty store near
you, you know what I'm talking about.
They did have other things there. They had a Hello Kitty
Organize your life type thingy. That was cute. Get out your Hello Kitty
Yes, they had Hello Kitty workshops, panels, the history of
Hello Kitty. Face painting Hello Kitty on little girls. They had a Hello Kitty
Breakfast meet up. I mean they went all out. The cuteness was off the charts.
Now just to let you know right now, I am NOT going to tell
you what we found out about Hello Kitty. I don't want this to be a spoiler.
Besides I found it quite disturbing and I think it is just propaganda to hype
Hello Kitty up.
Just sayin'
What I mainly did was shopping. YES! I had some things I had
to get and this was the perfect venue.
Japanese American National Museum: WHOO-HOO!
Okay you maybe asking why a grown ass woman loves Hello
Kitty so much.
What’s not to love?
My mom got me my first Hello Kitty item when I was 12 years
old. It was a vinyl coin purse. I think I still have it somewhere amongst all
my things from my childhood.
Hello Kitty is the epitome of cuteness, and since I am such
a girlie girl, her appeal to me is as natural as a dog to a bone. LOL
Okay, I’ll give you just a brief history of this
cuteness icon. She is a Japanese creation, a bobtail white cat. Her ‘history’
is that she was born in Britain. And her franchise is owned by Sanrio. That’s
as far as I am going on that.
She has an extensive background, which to me and some other
hardcore Hello Kitty fans find hard to believe. Like I said, I think it’s
propaganda. I don’t remember hearing all of this when I was younger. But hey,
whatever. {Shrugs}. You can look it up. But I will say this, one of my readers
found out this background and she was totally distraught. I think she is
undergoing therapy as we speak. LOL
Another thing I find so appealing about Hello Kitty, is that
she represents friendship and sharing. And who in their right mind would be
against those things? And her world is pink and fluffy!
Sanrio is making TONS of money off this cute little kitty,
but that’s okay. I will buy the stuff until they run out of ideas.
Speaking of which, Hello Kitty didn’t get hardcore with
adults until the 1990s, that’s when she started to be targeted to teens and
grown ups.
What was my first grown up Hello Kitty purchase? A pair of
I think the appeal of Hello Kitty is simple. To us girlie
girls, that love shopping, makeup, fluffy things and squeal every time we hook
up with our girlfriends, Hello Kitty represents us.
She is our girlfriend who has a closet full of cute stuff
she wants to share with us.
Oh and before I forget, the reason for all this Hello Kitty hoopla is because last year was Hello Kitty's 40th Anniversary! Like I said, I grew up with the cute kitty. I had everything Hello Kitty as a preteen, a teenager and the grown woman that I am today. Rock On Hello Kitty! {{Fist in the air}} Rock On! LOL

They had kitchen stuff I had to get. Yes had to get. Toasters and Sandwich makers Oh My!

They had little things to fill your house with Hello Kitty love. Stuffed toys, towels, slippers, you name it! I had to get a new Microwave. I wore out the other one. And this stuff is not cheaply made either. these are not toys.

They also have EXPENSIVE stuff for those true die hard Hello Kitty fans--that have the dough! The most expensive thing I got was a set of Hello Kitty golf clubs, so when I go visit my daddy in Miami I can use them. I already sent them to my dad's but here is a pic of them. They are not cheap. But hey, they are cuuuute. When I go down to Florida, I'll have a better picture off them. I had a hell of a time getting them, then a club was defective and I had to send them back, and blah, blah, blah. But I have them. If interested they are $800.00 Make sure you get the Ladies, not the kids

Now, if you're thinking my guys just love this stuff around the house. WRONG! They can't stand Hello Kitty. In fact the hubster (and a few people already know this story), took one of my Hello Kitty house shoes and threw it away. I was looking for that slipper for days and finally realized he took it. So after a Perry Mason Moment and him confessing to taking it, he gave me his card and I bought these:
Yeah! So there!
So for those that wanted to go too the Hello Kitty Convention don't feel bad. You can still go the museum it's just like the convention except there are not a lot of people dressed up as Hello Kitty and jumping out and scaring you. LOL.
And get this, they have rare Hello Kitty items, things that have never been seen before.
Hello Kitty, you've come a long way!